
General Ads

Our first commercially printed annual ECC Directory was established in 1983 and we have continued and refined its printing to make it truly unique. Those wishing to advertise. please call 218-865-4263.

Please email for a quote. Advertising prices determined by page, or portions of a page, which at present encompasses 72 pages.

Eshquaguma Country Club
6469 White Pine
Gilbert, MN 55741

Telephone: 218-865-4263


Wedding Ads

Advertising space is available on the ECC website to Members and website users for announcement of their weddings and events.

For additional information and price, please contact us at:

Eshquaguma Country Club
6469 White Pine
Gilbert, MN 55741

Telephone: 218-865-4263


Markertplace - Click

The Marketplace offers an additional advertising venue for our members and others who wish to advertise their businesses on the website.

For additional information and price, please contact us at:

Eshquaguma Country Club
6469 White Pine
Gilbert, MN 55741

Telephone: 218-865-4263